Novabev Group (formerly Beluga Group)
Novabev Group (formerly Beluga Group)
Industry: Manufacturing
Platform: Boss Kadrovik

Novabev Group (formerly Beluga Group)

Increasing management effectiveness for Novabev Group (formerly Beluga Group), a leading producer of alcoholic beverages in Russia

As part of the partnership, GMCS carried out:

  • Implementation of a business planning, monitoring and analysis system based on IBM Cognos (covering formation, coordination and approval of annual and operational sales plans, formation of regulated reporting, multidimensional analysis using information and analytical panels)
  • Implementation of a unified HR management system based on BOSS Kadrovik (comprising personnel management, staff scheduling and time-keeping, payroll including piecework wage, internal and external reporting); the solution covers 16 subsidiary companies with a total staff of over 7,000 employees
  • Comprehensive technical support of the solutions
