Business process improvement for Abi, Russia's leading manufacturer of convenient and easy-to-cook meat products
Areas of cooperation:
Migration of the automated enterprise management system from the version of MS AXAPTA 3.0 to the version of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, covering the company's central office in Vladimir and a warehouse in the Yaroslavl region.
The single system automates the following processes: financial accounting, receivables management, transport logistics, warehouse management, sales orders, reference data management, returns, pricing, forwarding, inventory, consumables. The solution is integrated with external information systems, including EDI and mobile sales system.
System features:
- Algorithm for selecting and distributing limited product stocks between orders according to customer priorities and contractual conditions
- Unified standards for warehouse management, taking into account industry specifics: web-interface of data collection terminals, integration with peripheral equipment (weight and sticker equipment), minimization of weight errors, weight control at all stages of cargo handling
- Transport logistics: the optimal choice of the supplier for each transport, control of transportation costs, plan-fact analysis, control of delivery efficiency, integration with external monitoring systems
- Solution "VerEx. Veterinary" helped to transfer automatically necessary data on the production and processing of veterinary products from a single system into Mercury Federal System through the universal gateway Vetis.API version 2.0
- Maximizing warehouse space utilization
- Reduced time to complete orders and prepare documents
- Improved quality of customer service, reduction in the number of complaints and penalties
- Reduced time and labor costs for registration of veterinary accompanying documentation
Development and implementation of an operational production planning system based on IBM ILOG
The mathematical algorithm uses data from the Microsoft Dynamics AX ERP system. The system calculates and forms the production demand on the horizon of 2 weeks, showing how much and when to buy raw materials and materials. At the moment, the project is being developed in terms of automating the planning of raw materials for several plants.
- Unification of processes and reduction of the planning errors risk
- Improving the completeness and speed of calculations and analytics
GMCS continues cooperation with ABI PRODUCT.