GMCS looked into the future of AI
GMCS looked into the future of AI

GMCS looked into the future of AI

GMCS took part in the IBM Data & AI Forum, which was held on February 27 in Moscow. IBM experts, partners, and representatives of leading enterprises discussed the use of artificial intelligence in business processes and data management practices.

The event program was focused on studying the experience of implementing AI technologies in real business through communication with IBM experts and representatives of companies that have already taken steps towards the use of artificial intelligence. The main thesis of the event was that not only data scientists can create and build AI models.

As part of a demonstration of IBM's AI solutions, participants learned about the capabilities of IBM Watson platform, innovations in the IBM Open Scale product that allows you to interpret, to control and to audit artificial intelligence with an integrated set of IBM Auto AI applications.

The Design Thinking workshop made participants look for scenarios for using artificial intelligence in business.
